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Is AMG Yacktman I (YACKX) a Strong Mutual Fund Pick Right Now?

Is AMG Yacktman I (YACKX) a Strong Mutual Fund Pick Right Now?

Having trouble finding an All Cap Value fund? AMG Yacktman I (YACKX) is a possible starting point. YACKX possesses a Zacks Mutual Fund Rank of 3 (Hold), which is based on various forecasting factors like size, cost, and past performance.

Zacks categorizes YACKX as All Cap Value, which is a segment packed with options. All Cap Value mutual funds, as the name suggests, invest across the cap spectrum in small-cap, mid-cap, and large-cap companies. However, in practice, these funds generally end up focusing on larger companies thanks to their percentage of assets. Regardless, these funds look for value positions, targeting firms whose share prices do not reflect their full worth, as well as low P/E Ratios and high dividend yields.

YACKX is a part of the AMG Funds family of funds, a company based out of Greenwich, CT. AMG Yacktman I debuted in July of 1992. Since then, YACKX has accumulated assets of about $8.31 billion, according to the most recently available information. A team of investment professionals is the fund’s current manager.

Of course, investors look for strong performance in funds. This fund in particular has delivered a 5-year annualized total return of 11.27%, and it sits in the middle third among its category peers. Investors who prefer analyzing shorter time frames should look at its 3-year annualized total return of 7.8%, which places it in the bottom third during this time-frame.

It is important to note that the product’s returns may not reflect all its expenses. Any fees not reflected would lower the returns. Total returns do not reflect the fund’s [%] sale charge. If sales charges were included, total returns would have been lower.

When looking at a fund’s performance, it is also important to note the standard deviation of the returns. The lower the standard deviation, the less volatility the fund experiences. YACKX’s standard deviation over the past three years is 14.46% compared to the category average of 16.24%. The fund’s standard deviation over the past 5 years is 16.44% compared to the category average of 18.5%. This makes the fund less volatile than its peers over the past half-decade.

Investors should not forget about beta, an important way to measure a mutual fund’s risk compared to the market as a whole. YACKX has a 5-year beta of 0.82, which means it is likely to be less volatile than the market average. Another factor to consider is alpha, as it reflects a portfolio’s performance on a risk-adjusted basis relative to a benchmark-in this case, the S&P 500. Over the past 5 years, the fund has a negative alpha of -1.69. This means that managers in this portfolio find it difficult to pick securities that generate better-than-benchmark returns.

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